Career Service Unit


  1. Plan, monitor and evaluate all activities in the Career Service Unit to ensure the achievement of graduate employment targets at Nusa Putra University.
  2. Carry out graduate recruitment activities through job fairs in collaboration with industry and partner institutions through financing supported by Nusa Putra University or independent financing, and it is possible to generate income.
  3. Maintain and improve collaboration with faculties, study programs and related units to improve student career development.
  4. Ensure effective relationships and continue to increase the number of collaborations with industry and institutions in order to introduce Nusa Putra University graduates.
  5. Build strong and effective external and internal collaboration that supports overall unit goals.
  6. Ensure excellent operational processes and services for all stakeholders.


The Internship Track is one of the study completion programs at Nusa Putra University for undergraduate and D3 students who have an interest in gaining real experience in the world of work before graduating from college. The Internship Program is a full-time internship activity in Industry with a period of 6-12 months or 2 semesters to a maximum of 3 semesters with optional internship options at home or abroad.

Domestic Internship

Overseas Internship

Field Work Practices

Field Work Practices (PKL) is a Nusa Putra University program where this program is one of the requirements for student graduation.

This program is implemented with the aim that students can improve their competence, intelligence, skills and character in accordance with the vision and mission of Nusa Putra University and build collaboration between Nusa Putra University and agencies/companies. With the knowledge gained from campus, you can apply it in the field so you can gain new experience by solving problems in the field/certain institutions.