Entrepreneurship Unit ( EU )

About Us


  1. Coaching, guiding and supporting students during the critical stages of starting a new business.
  2. Guarantee a business incubator program that can support and increase the success of new businesses.
  3. Guaranteeing effective time completion and reducing the costs of establishing and developing new businesses for students.
  4. Build internal collaboration that supports overall program objectives.
  5. Guarantee the best processes and services for all stakeholders.

Business Incubator:

Program Inovasi Wirausaha Digital Mahasiswa (IWDM)

Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa Indonesia (KMI) Expo

Nusa Putra Entrepreneur Universe (NEU)

You have a business Food Drink Production Cultivation Creative Industries Art and culture Tourist Service Trade Applied Technology ? or interest in entrepreneurship?

Come join us at, Nusa Putra Entrepreneur Universe.

Greetings Student Entrepreneurs!

Nusa Putra Entrepreneur Universe

Entrepreneurial Activities

Nusa Putra University Student Entrepreneurship

Alpha Karya Arshitecture adalah Kunsultan Perencana & Kontraktor dari Alumni Universitas Nusa Putra

Alpha Karya Arshitecture Contractor

Arsysoft Indonesia adalah Startup Web Development,Apps Development & UI/UX Design dari Alumni Universitas Nusa Putra

Arsysoft Indonesia Startup, Web Developer

Hibrida Oil adalah produk usaha dari salah satu mahasiswa Universitas Nusa Putra Program Studi S1 Teknik Informatika & Manajemen

Hibrida Oil Original Oil Product

Pukis Susu Salasa adalah produk usaha dari salah satu mahasiswa Universitas Nusa Putra Program Studi S1 Manajemen

Pukis Susu Salasa Food & Beverage